Pied droit - 250052102
Conçu pour fournir d’excellents résultats de couture dans des tissus fins ou légers. Les tissus ne sont pas piégés dans la nourriture pour chiens grâce au petit trou d’une aiguille dans le pied de la glande en tissu.
Cuciture utili
Dimensioni blister:
63 X 129MM
Categoria macchina per cucire:
MA - MB - CA - CC - EA - EC (guarda la lista a destra)
Descrizione e utilizzo:
Progettato per fornire risultati di cucitura eccellenti in tessuti sottili o leggeri.
I tessuti non vengono intrappolati negli alimenti per cani grazie al piccolo foro di un ago nel piedino premistoffa.
Designed to give great stitching results on fine or lightweight fabrics. Fabrics don't get caught on the feed dogs thanks to the small single needle hole on the presser foot.
Diseñado para brindar excelentes resultados de costura en telas finas o livianas.
Las telas no quedan atrapadas en los perros de alimentación gracias al pequeño orificio de una aguja en el prensatelas.
Designet til at give fremragende syresultater i tynde eller lette stoffer.
Stoffer fanges ikke i fodring af hunde takket være det lille hul i en nål i trykfoden.
#N/ASuunniteltu tarjoamaan erinomaisia ompelutuloksia ohuissa tai kevyissä kankaissa.
Kankaita ei tartu ruokintakoiriin neulan pienen reikän ansiosta paininjalassa.
Designet for å gi utmerkede syresultater i tynne eller lette stoffer.
Stoffer blir ikke fanget i mating av hunder takket være det lille hullet i en nål i trykkfoten.
Designad för att ge utmärkta syresultat i tunna eller lätta tyger.
Tyger fångas inte i matande hundar tack vare nålens lilla hål i pressarfoten.
Macchine per cucire categoria CA
5400, 5500, 6160, 6180, 6199, 6699, C5200
Macchine per cucire categoria CB
Curvy 5625, Curvy 8763, Curvy 8767, Curvy 8770, Curvy 8780, Curvy Athena 2009, Singer One, Singer One Plus, 70, Confidence 8768, Confidence S800, Confidence 5625, Confidence 7256, Confidence 7256 HC, Confidence 7258, 7285Q Patchwork, Confidence 7410, Confidence 7444, Confidence 7446, Confidence 7448, Confidence 7462, Confidence 7463, Confidence 7464, Confidence 7465, Confidence 7466, Confidence 7469, Confidence 7469Q, Confidence 7470, Confidence 7563, Confidence 7412, Confidence 7422, Confidence 7424, Confidence 7426, Confidence 7430, Confidence 7436, Confidence 7442, Confidence 7444, Confidence 7446, Confidence 7448, Confidence 7462, Confidence 7463, Confidence 7464, Confidence 7465, Confidence 7466, Confidence 7469, Confidence 7469Q, Confidence 7470, Confidence 7563.
Macchine per cucire categoria CC
Quantum 9910, Quantum 9920, Quantum 9940, Quantum 9960, 9985 Quantum Stylist Touch, 9980 Quantum Stylist, 9970
Macchine per cucire categoria CD
Singer C240
Macchine per cucire categoria CE
2010, 7140, ET-1, Futura 4060, H74, Stylist 9100, 9340, 9100 Professional, HD6600, HD6700, HD6800
Macchine per cucire categoria EA
FQ-4, SEQS-6000, SEQS-6700, 5 Futura Quintet, 8500Q Modern Quilter, XL400, XL420, XL550, XL580
Macchine per cucire categoria EB
EM200, SE300, SE340, C440Q, C440
Tagliacuci categoria SA
14CG-754, 14ET-754, 14SH-644, 14SH-764, 14HD854, 14SH-654, 14SH-744, 14SH-754
Macchine per cucire categoria MA
1507, 1507WC, 1525/1725, 1748, 8280, 8280L, 8280, SMART II, 1105, 1116, 1120, 1130, 7020, M1500, M1600, M2100, M2400, M3200, M3300, M3400, M3500, HD6380,
HD6330 (Denim), CP6350M (Cosplay), Tradition 2250, Tradition 2259, Tradition 2263, Tradition 2273, Tradition 2277, Tradition 2282, Promise 1408, Promise 1409, Promise 1412, Promise 1512, Promise II, 1732, 2932, 3116, Simple 3221, Simple 3232, Simple 3210, Simple 3223, Simple 3223 Green, Simple 3223 Yellow, Simple 3223 Pink, Simple 3229
Macchine per cucire categoria MB
Heavy Duty 4411, Heavy Duty 4423, Heavy Duty 4432, Heavy Duty 5511, Heavy Duty 5523, Heavy Duty 5532, Heavy Duty 44S, Talent 3321, Talent 3323S, Talent 3323
Macchine per cucire categoria MC
Inspiration 4205, Inspiration 4206, Inspiration 4210, Inspiration 4212, Inspiration 4218, Inspiration 4220, Inspiration 4228