Singer 250055402 Leather Needles Blister of 5 pcs 90/14


Cut leather and other heavy and suede non-woven leathers without creating large holes thanks to the wedge shape of the needles slightly sharpened cutting tip.

Blister of 5 pcs, fineness 90


Key Benefits:


Cut leather and other heavy and suede non-woven leathers without creating large holes thanks to the wedge shape of the needles slightly sharpened cutting tip


Cuts through leather and other heavy non-woven imitation leathers and suedes without creating large holes due to the needles wedge shape slightly sharp cutting point


Corta el cuero y otras imitaciones de piel no tejidas pesadas y gamuzas sin crear agujeros grandes debido a la forma de cuña de las agujas, con punta de corte ligeramente afilada


Coupe à travers le cuir, les cuirs synthétiques non tissés et le daim sans faire de larges trous grâce à la pointe de découpe légèrement pointue et triangulaire des aiguilles


Corta couro, imitação de couro não tecido e camurça sem criar grandes furos graças à forma em cunha destas agulhas com ponta de corte levemente afiada.

Product Details


Type of needlesSkin needles

Specific References


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