Singer 250057402 Microtex Blister Needles of 5 pcs 60/08
Perfect for microfibers, polyester and other synthetic fabrics. This needle is suitable for stitching and precision quilting thanks to the very thin acute point.
Blister of 5 pcs fineza 60
Key Benefits:
Perfect for microfibers, polyester and other synthetic fabrics. This needle is suitable for stitching and precision quilting thanks to the very thin acute point.
Perfect for microfibers, polyester and other synthetic fabrics. This needle is indicated for topstitching and precision quilt piecing due do very slim acute point.
Perfecto para microfibras, poliéster y otras telas sintéticas. Esta aguja está indicada para pespuntes y piezas de acolchado de precisión debido su punta muy delgada y fina.
Idéal pour les microfibres, le polyester et autres tissus synthétiques. Cette aiguille est indiquée pour la surpiqûre et l'assemblage de courtepointe de précision en raison d'un point aigu très mince.
Perfeito para microfibras, poliéster e outros tecidos sintéticos. Esta agulha é indicada para pespontos de costura e remendos de colcha de precisão, devido à ponta aguda muito fina.