Husqvarna Viking 920543096 Leather Needles Blister of 5 pcs 90/14
Cut leather, suede fabrics and heavy fabrics that imitate leather without creating large holes thanks to the wedge shape of the needles, slightly sharp tip
Blister of 5 pcs fineness 90
Key Benefits:
Cuts through leather and other heavy non-woven imitation leathers and suedes without creating large holes due to the needles wedge shape slightly sharp cutting point
Corta el cuero y otras imitaciones de piel no tejidas pesadas y gamuzas sin crear agujeros grandes debido a la forma de cuña de las agujas, con punta de corte ligeramente afilada
Die Ledernadel verfügt über eine Schneidespitze, die leicht in das Leder eindringt
Coupe à travers le cuir, les cuirs synthétiques non tissés et le daim sans faire de larges trous grâce à la pointe de découpe légèrement pointue et triangulaire des aiguilles
Cut leather, suede fabrics and heavy fabrics that imitate leather without creating large holes thanks to the wedge shape of the needles, slightly sharp tip